Friday, 14 August 2009

Weekend Away

Bristol. Banksy. Blisters.

Sorry. But I am here now!

I went to Bristol and had a fabulous time. I had no idea that there was quite so much to see and do. The Harbour Festval was on the weekend I visited and what with Banksy at the Bristol Museum a full and interesting time was had.

Lots of walking was done. I was amazed by Clifton Suspension Bridge.
Wow! What a brilliant engineer was that Brunel chap. Shame he never got to see it finished though.

Also, the different parts of the city. Good hills and nice cider (I'm on the turn!) makes for a happy and fitter population. I was aware that there were less fat people here than most places. It did take me a little while to understand some of the broader accents though. Somehow they reminded me of churned butter, tractors and Vicky Pollard.

Oh, and the fireworks were stunning. I definitely giggled on the inside.

Having praised Bristol as much as I have done, there is one thing that my delightful, picturesque West Sussex has that I couldn't be without...beautiful beaches.

This weekend it promises to be sunny. I shall be taking pictures of my sandy spot and not doing very much else in between!

As always, fondest regards,

Miss Tip

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Rain Stops Play!

Where Has The Sunshine Gone?

I have come to the conclusion that I am seasonally affected...right now! This isn't supposed to happen April-October.

Isn't it meant to be brilliant sunshine and hose-pipe bans, dogs dying in cars and young mothers being frowned at if their rapscallion of a toddler has the faintest hint of pink anywhere, teething or not?!

There is no packing lightly or taking just a light outer garment. No, it's socks and wellies and layers and umbrellas. How? Why? I really would like to know the answer to these Q's...

I believed those fonts-of all-knowledge weathermen (not so much weather-girls strangely enough) and their promises of long, hot, sweltering day and balmy warm evenings. Are you for real, guys? Who paid you how much to conjure up this convincing rouse between you? I, for one, demand a refund!!!

What else? There is nothing else! I am beyond caring. It upsets me so. I shall return when a glimmer of sunshine touches my cheeks and ignites my freckles into summer-ness again.

Having said that, I will return at some point...just in case it doesn't get gorgeously, sublimely, deliciously hot and sunny anytime soon.

Send you wishes for SPF30+

Fondest, as always


Saturday, 18 July 2009

The Suffering Is Over

It is done! Finally.

"Suffer 4Ur Art" has been made and submitted. What a relief.

I had problems galore with elements, namely the captured footage was nowhere near what I had specified in storyboard/discussion with cameraman. This coupled with learning Final Cut in such a short time meant that I didn't surface very often. As for eating, time in the kitchen was not an option.

The outcome of the past two weeks has been quite different to how I envisaged, not just in terms of those mentioned above but more so with my own transition. "Suffer 4Ur Art" was an emotional response to something tragic that happened in my life. However, it manifested as physical piece leaving the viewer with a completely altered and disparate notion of what the essence/foundation is.

As a consequence, I have been advised not to show this work as it will present a view of me that is contrary to who and what I am.

Am I disappointed? Not really. I have let go of much and learned much in this process. The one element I was a little frustrated with is my skill as a maker of short-film has dramatically improved and is not immediately available for public perusal. I shall have to be patient and create another work in order to demonstrate just how much I have evolved.

As of this moment, I return to an altered normality. Life is often lighter when one chooses closure of a hard or challenging aspect. I anticipate good things...

Fondest regards, as always,

Miss Tip.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Busy, Busy, Bruised, & Play

That Was One Hell-Of-A Week.

Mon/Tues. How much cycling? I went back and forth to seamstress (Wittering) and sailmakers (Bosham) so many times that I lost count. My legs were in bits. I also, very stupidly thought, I would be able to manage to get a reel of industrial chain (14kg) home on my bike. Only just. And that was with rucksack strapped to the saddle.

Final touches. Gathering equipment. Flowers, drinks, food for the crew. I saved just enough energy for a late yoga class. And afterwards, had a collision with a car. I went into his rear as he stopped in the road to check out a road name that I was intending to turn right into. I unceremoniously went over my handlebars and ended in a heap, bloodied and bruised. Car following was sympathetic and offered assistance and phone number(?). Home. Iced injuries for two hours and prayed I'd make it up the stairs and would still be walking for shoot the following day.

Ouch! So sore. The morning was as to be expected. I forgot the smallest, yet most vital element, 2x meat-hooks. But at least I wasn't in theatre while cameraman and lighting were setting up. Filmed from 10.30 til 12.45. Home. Lunch/debrief with cameraman. Beach!

Out and busy. Home and tidied away abandoned equipment. And then first look at footage. Not what I anticipated seeing. Went straight to yoga...with my bruises. Evening, I eventually started timecodes for Monday transfer.

Was awoken by a call. Friend was given a single ticket for Festival of Speed. Did I want it? YES PLEASE!! Did some chores and set off at lunchtime on my bike. I can't tell you how amazing this event is, even for a single girl wandering around. So much to see in the most splendid of locations. I made some friends for the afternoon, (see pics) who invited me to stay on for the party (Will Young & fireworks!) in the evening. I had a lovely time. Really lovely. Borrowed "his" pj's for chilly cycle home at 2am.

Up and baking. Cycled back to Festival with cake, pj's and a smile. I was invited to stay for the day, but my conscience got the better of me and I headed off for little x-country ride home and work. All timecodes completed.

I often I think I am bored. I should take a step back from time to time and realise how very full-up my time is and how utterly rewarding life can be. I am truly grateful to everyone who made this week happen for me. (Debbie Dawson, Ivan Bole, Phil King, Jamie Kluckers, Vince Fields, Lynn Hodge, Jess Bennett, Micheal Noor, Charlie Russell, Bradley? & JK) You are all stars!!

I send a smile to all...

Miss Tip

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Bite Me!

Yoga helps.

I have tried to stay calm over the past few days. All is getting rather hectic to say the least. Running has been a saving grace too...up until this morning.

I very nearly became breakfast for a hungry black lab today. I don't often stop for dogs. Quick little jump over or out of the way and the dozy pooch is usually too bewildered to notice where I have gotten to. Not quite the case earlier. I was scared. Even to the point of back-tracking. This particular dog had taken a liking to my calf muscles. I made a grab for the collar and dragged it up the lane. (stupid or brave?!)

Decrepit old man said "my dog has got out of the garden." I was too shocked to be impolite. "Did he jump at you?" Nodded angrily as words had failed me. "Best I put him back in then..."

Having said that, my time was no different to two days prior. Good run then!

Why so intent on burning calories? My mind is going over all elements of new artwork. Filming is nearly here. Thursday!

I have just edited storyboard to make to make it as concise and user friendly as poss. This one is going to hurt. Even a couple of hours of Yoga beforehand won't save me. This I already know...

I also have a feeling that I may have to update more frequently just so you can witness my meltdown as it happens.

Back to the beach tomorrow. I only do Yoga if no-one is around! Thursday it was empty!!

Until next time, regards,

Miss Tip

Monday, 15 June 2009

It's Beginning To Happen

PMO I - Protection (2007) dvd

I apologise for the lack of updates recently, but as I suspected...I'm getting busy.

Yesterday, I went to the location for next film. It is quite nasty. No, it's very nasty.

Today I may have met a contact who can introduce me to very helpful people. I hope so anyway.

Tomorrow I meet with cameraman, Jamie Kluckers and we discuss the finer points of next piece "Suffer 4Ur Art." (I love storyboarding!) Yoga in the afternoon.

Wednesday, final fitting with seamstress and industrial stitching. (She lives near the beach!)

Thursday, not quite sure yet. Yoga in the afternoon.

Friday, collecting sponsorship for @ Farmers Market and local businesses. Evening race meeting @Goodwood. Moonlight 10 mile charity event...midnight!

Saturday, treating myself to a huge, soya capuccino!

Wish me luck. Sponsor me if you can. Stay tuned! lol

As always, fondest regards,

Miss Tip

Friday, 22 May 2009

Bonk Oliday Speciale!

Sorry. I intended to be here before now, but I sort of knew that I would be busy with all things creative.

In an attempt to get everything done before the "long weekend" I felt a couple of hours on the beach would be the very ingredient to make things progress with a sparkle. Hmmm. Nearly!

I returned home and ran 9k then went to yoga for the third time this week then reflected upon such a delightful day. I do like living near enough to one of the best beaches in the UK. Usually I cycle, but today went with a friend who drove. It really does replenish the spirit being able to appreciate the wonder of nature...sea, sand, wind and warm sunshine.

I now have a smattering of freckles on my nose and cheeks. My hair is wild, beyond curly and the backs of my knees are pink from being missed with SPF15. Naughty Lil Miss!

Onto progression of creativity.

Location has been agreed but no found shots/recording done yet.

Costume is nearly assembled and will be fitted by seamstress this weekend, possibly Sunday. Have numb fingers and raw thumb from stitching such unyielding fabric. Oh, the pain of art...

Meeting with photographer yesterday which was difficult in places as he has no knowledge of films made since we last worked together. He was offering ideas that were not relative to what I intend to create. Diplomacy was key to success as egos could have been severely dented. Perish the thought!

I shall return over the weekend to either celebrate or commiserate with you about the costume and whether it "works." I ask a lot from each piece, perfect fit, stunning/sumptuous look, movement, strength and innovative!

If the next post begins with tears...just move on!

Happy, sunny Saturday to you,

Miss Tip

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Inspiration, Where Art Thou?

PMOII - Protection (2006) dvd 6min

I thought that maybe, just maybe by looking at previous works I would be instantly filled with creative urges.

I am almost!

But more so, I am a little daunted by what I have made before. The fabric and steel stills are from part of a trilogy called PMO - Protection, Modesty and Ornamentation. This was my work for Post-Graduate Diploma at The Edward James Foundation(2007) where I was successfully able to make the transition from photography to film making.

Both Protection and Modesty are 6 minute films. Different, challenging, but as with all of my works, always with the outcome decided by the viewer. I believe that by leaving a work open and ambiguous, a deeper and fuller response is attained when coming into contact with them.

Anyway, where was I? Seeking inspiration.

In times like these, I fill my senses with the heavenly creations of talented others. Standing in a gallery and absorbing large scale works, listening to live music, tasting exquisite food, touching sumptuous fabrics...oh, where to begin?!

Having said this, sometimes just getting back to nature allows the thought-processes to unfold. Garden centre or beach?

Other worthy mentions. Coraline in 3D was enjoyed immensely. 2x Fragile State Cd's (for working to) and oat/seed muffins with a pinch of mixed spice (divine), immaculate (inside of) car and of course, eventful cycling!

Fondest regards,

Miss Tip

Ps When inspiration strikes, I may be gone for some time....well, a week!

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Battered Brain To Go..!

My MA paper is submitted!

This means I can get to being creative again. Hurrah.

However, before I continue, I'd very much like to thank Gregory Gunther, (see friends) who stumbled upon last weeks blog and liked the images so much that he created this one for me. I was delightfully, happily, unexpectedly thrilled not only to be found by this gentleman, but more-so by the fact that he should apply such considerable effort, time and use of talent to produce for someone he has not yet met.

I am now convinced that in cyberspace, there lies the possibility to meet and befriend truly remarkable beings!

So, what else?

In amongst the endless hours with little white MacBook, I did manage to host 'Six 4 Supper' on Saturday. As it was an all-girls evening, the house was dressed with white satin bows and flowers and a welcome star that would dazzle even the fussiest of princesses. All attended were asked to wear frocks. All looked quite lovely!!

For the briefest of moments, I contemplated wearing the gown I created for Adam's Apple...

The food was yummy. Did I mention that I love cooking?!

Sunday was a lively affair. Busy, busy 21st b'day party. The dance-floor, sound-system and Dj were all complimentary of each other which meant that I didn't stop dancing all night! I adore a good party. Especially in killer heels. Oh, yes indeed!!

Did I mention I have a BA(Hons) in Dance? lol

As for the rest of the week, I really did put my study-head on. Oh, and gave a pint of blood...just for the time away from studies!

But all is now calm.



Ps My thanks to N.Andrews, Mr&Mrs.DZ, Jez Stevens (see friends)

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Visual Representation

I was gently reminded yesterday that my blog didn't have many images, in fact it has none!

I do apologise most sincerely and will try and remember to add at least one everytime I post my ramblings. They may not be current, edited (highly unlikely) and in-keeping with the thought of the day...but will most certainly be of me or taken by me.

So, without further ado, let me explain about the above from my practice...

Adam's Apple (2006) I started with the notion of food and played with sealing slices of fruits in between sheets of v fine plastic...and then watched them decay. Banana's...oh, my goodness, pears also. Grapes were interesting as too were strawberries. But apples outshone all by far!

Whilst opening the creative gates to imminent inspiration I thought of how apples have been linked to stories, Snow White, William Tell, even Helen of Troy. But by far the greatest tale is of Adam and with no hesitation, I set about becoming Eve in a gown for which I printed the fabric, cut the cloth and stitched the beads.

I wanted to present two very different aspects of the piece. I directed the photographer (Ms Nicola Rhodes@
in both studio and orchard...where else for external shots?! And lost my curls for the occasion!!

The slice of apple used for creative reference is contained in perspex, attached to Genesis ch3 v1-6, and is almost dust now. The gown is still as sumptuous, delicious and as much a delight to adorn. (I would imagine!)

This has been a little strange recounting work, but enjoyable nonetheless. Thank-you for your interest...and patience!


Thursday, 23 April 2009

Give way To The Right

I nearly got squashed (again) on my bicycle. I wear a helmet, bright-ish clothing, cycle-clips if trousers are flapping. I am a fit and energetic rider who doesn't wobble, avoid puddles or cycle with knees stuck out at right angles.

What is the matter with motorists of a certain age (55+) weight (90kgs+) and gender (male) with bad haircuts?

Did they by-pass the Highway Code in their driving test? Did their beloved SatNav get sprung giving more polite directions in the Mrs's motor? Or, and I suspect this could be the case, are they miserable, overweight, past-it, arrogant, probably slightly sweaty, shoddy drivers who aren't getting anything good in their lives because they don't flipping deserve it?!

You know who you are even though you are denying it at this very moment. Next time you try to pull a fast one on a roundabout when I have priority, or undercut me on the ringroad, or overtake me and then force me to mount the kerb as you slam on your brakes as you spy the convenience store, I'll fall off, spectacularly, feign terrific injuries and sue your fat backside to kingdom come!

Nothing fond about my regards to idiotic drivers.

Miss Tip

Ps I didn't swear!

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

A Rough One In Amongst The Smooth.

I am very good at celebrating the days that begin with energy and finish with exhaustive happiness.

I am not so good at finding consistency in a day that begins with a vivid dream of the Beckhams being your best mates (with newborn...boy, I hasten to add) and being blind-sided by diverse and unyielding situations and interruptions upon the hour each hour.

Today has been a test of my strength as a decent being. I am ever grateful to the likes of Deepak Chopra, Susan Jefferies, Louise Hay and all others who have given advice and counsel through their words of light. And although these were digested two decades ago, the message lives on.

Live your life, as it belongs to no other but you! MissTip

I look forward to refreshment from sleep and comfort in celebrity-free dreams.

I will try and post tomorrow...just to let you know how the day started!

Fondest regards,

Miss Tip

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Alcoholic Poisoning

Another week has flown by and now I am wondering if killing my brain cells is such a clever thing to do?!

After abstaining from alcohol for (the main part of) six weeks I have managed to corrupt my finely-tuned body three times in a week. Why? Well, in short I have no idea, but upon reflection can only assume that my head thinks I need to partake in the social pastime of getting...inebriated (keeping it clean, ladies and gents!)

Yes, I do like the feeling of slight intoxication, but why is not possible to register that small adjustment and refrain from further consumption? I will think a-while on this one.

Other news from this week. Hurt myself on incline run on Tuesday and have been slowly mending. Am so proud that I haven't done any form of exercise since. Back to it tomorrow though.

New rug looks fabulous. Went and purchased five large and comfortable cushions to re-invent whole room. Had the most charming of drivers who made the shopping experience quite...different! (shoosh)

I would like to tell you of how the rug got lost in transit by ParcelForce 48hrs (if only), how EasyJet booked in imaginary passengers on flight home and consequently delayed take-off by 30 mins, why the fresh(?) produce person at Tesco almost had an assault complaint against him and why when wearing emerald contacts I see everything rosy-coloured...but that can wait!

As always, it is a pleasure.

Kind regards,

Miss Tip

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Lent Is Finished. Bring On The Bubbles!

Happy Easter to you.

Gosh. Has a week passed by so swiftly? I guess so.

I have done lots and at the same time been relaxed and not-so disciplined with updates as and when. Oops, sorry. So, a v v shortened version.

Sun eve. Invitation to Castle. Long evening. Interesting chat.

Monday. Ran the Balloch. Yoga in avo. Cooked and studied.

Tues. Pilates. Shopping. Caffeine. Impulsive spend (nice rug) No idea how to get it home! Studies. Supper.

Wed. Yoga. Gentle avo. High tea. Studies. Out for supper.

Thurs. Pilates. City visit (Inverness) Pretty. Luncheon. 2x 2nd-hand books. Speed rope to skip with. (1500+ skips) Movie.

Fri. Ran Balloch. Grocery shopping. Charity Shop (YSL handbag, summer tunic, cd. Total £5.50!) Supper. Out for "Tea & Pieces."

Sat. V V quick shopping. Ran Balloch in opp direction - 4mins faster than y'day! Lunch. Yoga. Prep for Easter luncheon and cooked Thai curry x2. Yum!!

Today. Pilates. Church. (1st G&T in 6 weeks!) Chocs. Cooked (all enjoyed tremendously) Studied. Champagne and toasts.

However concise this may seem, I have had a roller-coaster of emotions thrown in. Unfortunately not for good measure. My mantra has been (yet again) "What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger."

I am strong enough.

Fondest regards,

Miss Tip

Sunday, 5 April 2009

A Day To Remember

Upon reflection, yesterday was one of the days that you only remember having very few and far between. I liked it alot.

But firstly, I must tell you of my experience with little dongle from the previous night. Nothing is ever straightforward, and this was enough to test the patience of even myself. My Mac is running two systems and couldn't decide which should be in charge of installation, so consequently neither managed to find a place. I spent a couple of hours willing it to work and then gave up. What a nuisance...

Anyway, back to my rather lovely day.

I am visiting with my "adopted parents" (they love me that much!!) and am fortunate to be introduced to all of their friends. A small group of mature ladies (eldest 82, spritely and still smiling) meet for a Sat morn brisk walk. I came and met them and then ran off into the hills. Beautiful. Stunning. 1100ft. I spent the next two hours enjoying the intensity of exercise, LTJ Bukem and immersing myself in the environment.

Next joyous moment was Yoga. Private, one-to-one, warm studio, and specific for my tired legs. Also, 90 mins of being able to ask questions and giggle when in difficulty is priceless.

And finally, a treat of supper at a Castle. Lovely setting, glorious food and v interesting guests. I have always joked about a Scottish Laird with great legs and a subtle tartan. Well, his son asked me for my number...

I shall keep you informed!

As always, fondest regards,

Lil Miss

Friday, 3 April 2009

From Thought To Deed.

Dear All,

I did try and post a blog yesterday but a power-surge blew out the dial-up connection I am currently visiting with. (Honestly.) Sorry.

Anyway, briefly...the sweet tooth is as a result of there not being enough sweetness in my life at the moment. I am rectifying at this very time and my addiction to all things sugary is about to desist. Yes, I do have the willpower of a Saint!

Other observations from this day...

Does one always have to manifest exactly what pops into one's random train of thought?

I ask this as today I marvelled at how fantastic it was that the heels (top-pieces) on my boots were still in tact as I crossed a cobbled town centre. Within 30 seconds of this happy little thought I heard the sharp click of metal against the stone. (Internal swearing is a must at times like these.) I also apologised to every person in the shop that I entered for emmitting such a well-rounded sigh on such a beautiful Friday afternoon.

After limping for the remainder of my expedition and returning to the local cobbler I was duly informed that he was no longer cobbling as the business was closing down. Did I require any walking boot laces?

Oh, no! Panic. Posh supper tomorrow evening with no funky boots...

But on the upside...I purchased a dongle, so no more lost blogs. Also a novel by the v talented Iain Banks. £2. Charity shop.
Brand new DKNY dark denim 28". £4.(Bargain!!) Different charity shop.
Garnola bar. M&S bakery. Simply the best and my only sweet treat for the day. Promise.

Until next time, fondest regards,

Miss Tip

Sunday, 29 March 2009


Today my sweet tooth has been out-of-control. And now, I'm wondering at which point did I let it take over again?

At breakfast. I think it happens that if I have something sweet to begin the day, it just continues. On and on and on.

My test will be proven tomorrow. Savoury only. For breakfast, at the very least! 

I shall let you know on Tuesday...if not before.

Fondest regards,

Miss Tip

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Learning Curve

Not that anyone has missed me yet, but I'm back with a little droplet of something else...

It struck me there are certain things that when learnt as a young person, stay with one and are refined, altered, adapted and re-invented to suit the individual. I thought of this when cycling to Pilates this morning.

My bicycle has been a bit poorly and is at this present moment being attended to. At last. My heartfelt thanks to Mr Joe Rideout. Which is also the reason why I'm not sat with the girls having a Super Skinny Cappuccino (small Americano, large cup, fill to top with foam, sprinkles optional.) I have become so dependent on my bicycle that I never walk anywhere anymore. It takes too long.

And yes, I always wear a helmet after nearly being knocked off three times in the space of twenty minutes. And the tightest, fluorescent cycle clips...apparently, rather retro. 

So what of my bicycle enlightenment?

Firstly, my Cycling Proficiency Test was the first exam I ever really got nervous about. I always had a bike and went out with friends after school and weekends. It was fun. It was what we did. Homework. Off on bike until supper. Good appetite and sound sleep. Being examined on my technique and awareness of surroundings was incredibly daunting. Quite scary. Still remember wobbling like a novice on my right-turn...

Secondly, my balance remains unchanged. Bravo.

Thirdly, I'm a green, environmentally aware member of the community. I recently entered Snack-a-Jacks Confessions of a Shopaholic competition. I asked for a Pashley Princess Bicycle. My 40 words or less was "Mature student who would very much like to arrive for lectures looking every inch the Little Miss Environmentally-Fantastic!!" Keeping fingers crossed and will let you know.

Fourth and finally. It doesn't matter what condition a bicycle is in or how old the attachments are, chances are that some little toe-rag will pinch it or something from it. Front lights in my case. I am pleased that two of my friends have in the past confronted borrowers of their cycles and liberated their trusty two-wheeled modes of transport. And from what I've heard, fiesty girls who rely on their bicycles should not be crossed!

I do have a question though, is it just me or is the wind always headed in wrong direction when one is late/wearing a skirt or having just eaten...?

Fondest regards,

Miss Tip

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Introducing...Another Bloggerette.

And what makes the ramblings of such a sweet thing so utterly compulsive?

To begin, an abstract and humourous take on everyday life.
A good command of the English language and attention to grammar and spelling.
The desire to share cyberspace with some very entertaining blogsperts.

So, here I am. Availablity: 5mins.

Things I can do in this time (weather permitting.)
Put on complete make-up including curling lashes.
Prepare and assemble a delicious & fluffy mushroom ommlette.
Skip with a rope.
De-tangle unruly curls.
Prepare for & retrieve cycle.
Cycle from my house to University.
Remove make-up and complete bespoke radiance protecting routine.
Water all of the potted plants in the garden.
Read anything.
Listen to most things.

Time is up!

It would be fascinating to know how your pockets of 5 minutes are spent too...

Fondest regards,

Miss Tip