Friday, 22 May 2009

Bonk Oliday Speciale!

Sorry. I intended to be here before now, but I sort of knew that I would be busy with all things creative.

In an attempt to get everything done before the "long weekend" I felt a couple of hours on the beach would be the very ingredient to make things progress with a sparkle. Hmmm. Nearly!

I returned home and ran 9k then went to yoga for the third time this week then reflected upon such a delightful day. I do like living near enough to one of the best beaches in the UK. Usually I cycle, but today went with a friend who drove. It really does replenish the spirit being able to appreciate the wonder of nature...sea, sand, wind and warm sunshine.

I now have a smattering of freckles on my nose and cheeks. My hair is wild, beyond curly and the backs of my knees are pink from being missed with SPF15. Naughty Lil Miss!

Onto progression of creativity.

Location has been agreed but no found shots/recording done yet.

Costume is nearly assembled and will be fitted by seamstress this weekend, possibly Sunday. Have numb fingers and raw thumb from stitching such unyielding fabric. Oh, the pain of art...

Meeting with photographer yesterday which was difficult in places as he has no knowledge of films made since we last worked together. He was offering ideas that were not relative to what I intend to create. Diplomacy was key to success as egos could have been severely dented. Perish the thought!

I shall return over the weekend to either celebrate or commiserate with you about the costume and whether it "works." I ask a lot from each piece, perfect fit, stunning/sumptuous look, movement, strength and innovative!

If the next post begins with tears...just move on!

Happy, sunny Saturday to you,

Miss Tip

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