Saturday, 27 June 2009

Bite Me!

Yoga helps.

I have tried to stay calm over the past few days. All is getting rather hectic to say the least. Running has been a saving grace too...up until this morning.

I very nearly became breakfast for a hungry black lab today. I don't often stop for dogs. Quick little jump over or out of the way and the dozy pooch is usually too bewildered to notice where I have gotten to. Not quite the case earlier. I was scared. Even to the point of back-tracking. This particular dog had taken a liking to my calf muscles. I made a grab for the collar and dragged it up the lane. (stupid or brave?!)

Decrepit old man said "my dog has got out of the garden." I was too shocked to be impolite. "Did he jump at you?" Nodded angrily as words had failed me. "Best I put him back in then..."

Having said that, my time was no different to two days prior. Good run then!

Why so intent on burning calories? My mind is going over all elements of new artwork. Filming is nearly here. Thursday!

I have just edited storyboard to make to make it as concise and user friendly as poss. This one is going to hurt. Even a couple of hours of Yoga beforehand won't save me. This I already know...

I also have a feeling that I may have to update more frequently just so you can witness my meltdown as it happens.

Back to the beach tomorrow. I only do Yoga if no-one is around! Thursday it was empty!!

Until next time, regards,

Miss Tip

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